Sherwood Park Kindergarten
205 Fir Street, Sherwood Park, AB
P. (780) 467 -5644
The best way for kindergarten children to learn is through active play. Our classroom is set up with active learning stations. The materials are designed to develop skills and meet the needs of the children in the class. Below is a list of all the learning stations and their descriptions:
Beginning letter formation, writing or dictating stories about their pictures or a given topic.
An entire shelf devoted to games, materials and blocks for sorting, graphing, counting and ordering. Children learn math concepts best by using materials they can manipulate.
Puzzles and Games:
Games to play in a small groups, puzzles and small building materials to encourage cooperation and fine muscle control. This is a good place for parent helpers to encourage and supervise small groups.
Cut and Paste:
Structured craft activities to encourage the use of scissors, fine muscle control and teach direction following strategies.
Creation Station:
Unstructured cutting, pasting and drawing to encourage creativity. It is an artzooka extravaganza.
Make a mess, have fun and stimulate creative juices using real artist tools and visual concepts. This station encourages the study of historical artsits and a chance to evaluate their style.
Paint on an easel and dictate a story about your picture. Children learn story structure in an artistic setting.
Water & Sand
A water table for discovering the wonderful properties of water. Our sand table is full of colored plastic pellets for pouring and measuring.
Large and small supplies for building and developing engineerial skills. They may also try to recreate world wonders using a demo board provided.
A great place to develop acting skills and to interact with peers. Socialization and peer interaction are the focus during imaginative play.
Games, activities and books about the theme of the week or a science experiment.
A quiet place with lots of books, puppet theatre, flannel and interactive stories.
2 iPads loaded with educational software. Children have the opportunity to learn basic computer knowledge and keyboarding.
A place to practice drawing the pictures we learn together in class through animated literacy.
Sensory Play:
Various toys to stimulate the senses and develop body awareness. This station can also be used as a calming retreat when children need a quiet break.